Rates & Programs
Test prep is a partnership, and success requires working as a team and having clear communication and expectations. Please click on the button below and read the agreement, acknowledge terms, ask questions and offer input before engaging my services.

My one-on-one test-prep rates are $100/hr for SAT/ACT, $150/hr for GMAT/GRE, and $80/hr for subject tutoring within a thirty-mile radius of my office in Stuart. Travel to other locations in Martin, Palm Beach or St. Lucie Counties is an additional 25%. Sibling discounts are 20%.
I offer a very limited number of private coaching packages for complete college preparation: SAT/ACT tutoring, note-taking skills, college matching, applications, essays, resumes and interview prep. These include unlimited tutoring sessions as/when needed, consultations and communications with priority scheduling for a flat fee of $5000 for six months, $7000 for nine months, or $9,000 for one year. Travel fees and sibling discounts apply.

Small group rates are as follows:
2-5 students - $75/hr each
6+ students - $50/hr each
Jam Sessions for up to 25 students - $500
​Test-Breaker Book Camps for up to 25 students - $950
Customized Classes = Larger groups and/or unique situations by request.

My rates are $500/hr for consulting, including data analysis, custom program creation and follow-up assessments. Implementing and supervising entire programs or any other large-scale or long-term projects can be negotiated.

Writing Projects
I charge $100/hr for writing or editing resumes, cover letters, essays and applications. For other freelance writing work, my rates are $2.50/page for proofreading, $4/page for light editing, $6.50/page for heavy or technical editing and $8/page for content writing. Flat fees and commissions are negotiable for extensive projects, curriculum design or grant writing.